More Stupid Code…

Here is another example of code that demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of how things work, or at least of MFC and/or the RTL…

char value[256];
::GetPrivateProfileString("section","ValueName", "OFF", value, 256, INI_PATH);
CString temp(value);
if (temp != "OFF")
{ ... }

Now, I can understand the need to do a case-insensitive compare of an INI file value.  But we have functions designed to do that!  Never heard of stricmp(…) and its variants?  OK – even if you do not know about the available RTL functions and all you know is CString, never heard of CString::CompareNoCase(…)?

Code like this just demonstrates ignorance, plain and simple.  Oh, and how goes that exception handling for situations where CString fails to allocate memory?  Oh, yeah…  THERE IS NONE!

Yet another real-world example of useless allocation.