The JRTwine Software Free Source Code License (JRTS-FSCL)

Version 2.0 [09/16/06], Copyright 2002-2006, JRTwine Software, LLC (

This document covers the JRTwine Software Free Source Code License, hereafter referred to as the JRTS-FSCL. 

You must accept the terms of the License in order to use any material that is covered by this License

This license was designed to allow relatively easy use of certain Intellectual Property (IP) subject to a few restrictions, without the potential hassles of other licenses such as the GPL.  For example, if you use and/or derive from this material, you are not required to make your changes publically available.  It also provides developers/authors a means of protecting their IP from being misused, and a way of receiving recognition for their hard work.

This License applies to any material which contains a notice placed by the author(s) stating that the material may be used and/or distributed under the terms of the JRTS-FSCL.

This License grants you, the Recipient, a royalty-free license to use and redistribute the material covered by this License subject to the following conditions:

  1. The original material remains under the copyright of the original author(s).  The material is NOT placed into the Public Domain.  Any notices, documentation or binary signature methods (e.g. #pragma(exestr) directives) that exist in the material must not be removed.  Note that any such methods by themselves do not satisfy the requirement of acknowledgement stated in #5 below.
  2. Any material that directly derives from the original material must explicitly state that it does so in its comments, or other internal documentation.  Any notices, documentation or binary signature methods existing in the original material must remain intact and be carried over to any derived material as well.
  3. You may not directly sell or otherwise provide for-profit the material unless you provide substantial additional value to and along with it.  For example, you may not take an existing control covered by the JRTS-FSCL (e.g. the Dim Edit Control), package it into a DLL and sell it as a stand-alone product.
  4. Any copyright, trademark or IP notices in the material must remain in the material.
  5. Products using the material must have a appropriate user-viewable notice of acknowledgement including the author's name and copyright information.  Suitable locations for this notice are the product's documentation, Splash Screen, About Box and any other location that displays copyright information.  (For example, "portions of this product are copyright © [year(s)] by [author(s)]" or "portions of this product were designed/developed by [author(s)]".)
  6. The material is provided with **NO WARRANTY** of any kind.  That is, the material is provided as-is, and you accept the entire risk as to the performance, quality, and fitness-for-purpose of the material.  In no event shall the original or subsequent author(s), JRTwine Software, LLC, or James R. Twine, be liable to you, or any third parties that receive the material directly or indirectly through you, for damages of *any* kind.  This includes all forms of losses (tangible and intangible) including but not limited to: monetary, time, and user satisfaction.
  7. The material may NOT be used in or for the development of the following:
        o   spam (UCE) or spam-related applications
        o   spyware applications
        o   ad-ware applications
        o   applications used for any illegal purposes (including illegal file/bandwidth-sharing and hosting of illegal content)0
  8. You are not required to accept this License.  However, nothing else grants you permission to use the material.  These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by using any portion of the the material you indicate your complete acceptance of and consent to this entire License, and all its terms and conditions.
  9. JRTwine Software, LLC reserves the right to revise this license from time-to-time as required. 
  10. Developers may, and are welcome to, provide dual-licensing on an as-needed basis such that the material can be used by a third party under a different set of restrictions.


As the JRTS-FSCL evolves and is updated, previous versions of the license will remain available for reference purposes or for older material that was released under older versions of the license.

Existing material is not required to migrate to a newer version of the JRTS-FSCL, but newly released material must use the most recent version of the license available.

If you have any questions regarding the use of any material covered by this license, or have suggestions or comments regarding it, please contact the original author(s) of the material.

Copyright © 2009 JRTwine Software, LLC. All Rights Reserved.  Legal and Copyright Information