SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 and how a Little Knowledge is Dangerous

So I got into a unnecessary discussion with someone about the correct usage of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 – they were using them interchangeably (and actually also confused COVID-19 and the earlier virus name of 2019-nCoV) and also using them to refer to things that were prior to when the official names were coined by the WHO.

They went on to explain how they were receiving “daily training” on this topic and implying that I must be mistaken (and also that the CDC is engaging in fear-mongering WRT COVID-19).  Now, I can understand receiving 3-minute daily briefings on the topic, but calling that “training” is stretching things quite a bit.  Anyone can provide a briefing – all you have to do is read from a page.  Training requires a certain depth of knowledge that not everyone has, and is usually an interactive, time-consuming experience.  If this so-called “trainer” is confusing COVID-19 (the disease) with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes the disease), they need to step down from their position, immediately.

Given the tone of this person’s responses, the hubris demonstrated, how they keep saying that they work for a “government employer,” and touting their so-called “training,” I am guessing some form of town, city, county or state law enforcement.  Which is good – more power to them – we need law enforcement, especially in times like these.

But if this person does indeed work for local law enforcement – that’s cute.

Especially when you consider that some people may work in National Defense (which, BTW, is a Critical Infrastructure Industry as defined by the DHS).  And that they have the responsibility and privilege of helping maintain the safety and security of not just a town, city, county or state, but for the entire country, its war-fighters, and even its foreign allies.

And that some of them might even be cleared employees that, when they receive actual training or briefings, may receive information that is not available to the general non-cleared public (which usually includes town/city/county/state LEAs), and you can be certain this training did not originate from something that someone copied from a group email somewhere.

Always follow the universal assumption – that the other person may known something that you do not (especially when you are ignorant of the other’s position/job).